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It's written in Proverbs: "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (29:18). It's true. We all need a vision. We need a vision for marriage, a vision for parenting, a vision for education, and a vision for life. Life is not easy. Parents face challenges from every direction. Some of these challenges are the same as they have always been. Others are the result of the technological revolution through which we find ourselves currently living. So here's the vision: We live life "in Christ."
But what does it mean to live "in Christ"? Maybe you have heard a thousand sermons on it. Or maybe you have not been to church in years, or ever. Neither matters. Living in Christ and leading your family to live in Christ is not a matter of your circumstances, your level of education, or the size of your wallet. Being in Christ is something God does FOR us. His desire -- and His commitment to you -- is that you and your family live a victorious life in Christ. That's God's vision!!
FICM raises money to help reach God's vision: God desires that families live a victorious life in Christ. And, therefore, so do we. One way or another, all the money FICM receives goes toward reaching that single goal. Read more detail here. View our budget here.